Go-Cal is for groups and people who need to use the internet to get down to business.

Social networking is for being e-social, Go-Cal is for keep track of real life opportunities.

Once you've gotten tired of all the irrelevant information being thrown around on Facebook, Myspace, and Twitter; Go-Cal cuts the crap and focuses on what's relevant to you and your group.

Go-Cal won't let you update your status, but it will let you change it!

Calendar networking is what makes Go-Cal different. Linking your calendar to others centralizes all your interests in one place.

  • Just the Facts !!
  • No SPAM !!
  • No Advertisements !!
$10 per year
Event Scheduling

Schedule your groups events, and they will automatically appear on your members calendars.

Time Tracking

Keep track of hours spent on various projects.

Appointment Coordinator

Allow customers to scehdule appointments during your working hours.